Rules and regulations of SATO buildings
In cities and block houses people live close to each other. The atmosphere of your home building is affected quite a lot by how smoothly everyday life runs between the neighbors. Do keep in mind that you are also someone's neighbour, and take other residents into consideration.
The purpose of the General Building Rules and Regulations for SATO Buildings is to promote the safety and comfort of all residents in their home building. The building’s atmosphere and everyone’s comfort levels are affected considerably by how smoothly everyday life runs between the neighbours. You are an excellent neighbour when you take other residents into account in your home, in the common areas and outdoor areas and do not unnecessarily disturb residential peace in the building.
All residents are obliged to familiarise themselves with the Building Rules and Regulations. Please inform your family members and visitors about the Building Rules and Regulations as they must also comply with the Building Rules and Regulations and you are responsible for their actions.
In addition to the Building Rules and Regulations, any other provisions of acts of law, decrees and your lease agreement are also in force in the building and on its grounds.
Quiet-time policy
The quiet-time policy must be followed in SATO buildings between 22:00 and 07:00. These are the hours during which you must avoid making any noise.
Common areas
Exterior doors are usually kept locked between 21:00 and 07:00. When going through locked doors, make sure the doors are relocked behind you.
Do not make any noise in common areas and keep everywhere tidy. Loitering is forbidden in all common areas.
For reasons of fire safety, no items may be stored outside designated storage premises. It is not permitted to store any items, such as doormats, baby transport, bicycles, etc, in the corridors, staircases or access routes. Always store any flammable substances in compliance with fire safety regulations.
Common areas, such as outdoor equipment storage rooms and laundry and drying rooms, are only intended for residents’ own use.
Signs and advertisements may only be posted if separately authorised by SATO.
Do not cause any disturbance to your neighbours. Avoid doing anything that might cause noise especially during the quiet-time policy hours between 22:00 and 07:00. Any activity that continuously and unreasonably disturbs neighbours by causing noise, vibration, smell or other nuisance is not permitted in the apartments, balconies or elsewhere in the property.
Apartments must be looked after with care. Apartments may not be aired by opening the door to the staircase. Food or other waste that may block and/or damage pipes or drains may not be placed in the toilet or other drains.
Do notify your neighbors well in advance if you are planning to have a party in your home or do something noisier than normal. Make sure you do not cause any unreasonable disturbance to your neighbors even when you notified them in advance.
Balcony, terrace, private garden
Residents must also keep their balconies tidy and remove snow from them in the winter. Barbecuing on a private balcony is only allowed if using an electric barbecue and taking fire safety and the neighbours into account. Plant containers must be placed inside the balcony railing. Items that disturb the environment must not be stored on balconies or other corresponding areas.
Cigarette butts or other items must not be thrown out of balconies. Antennas, aerials, etc., may not be installed unless authorised by the housing company.
Smoking is forbidden indoors in the apartments and in common indoor areas shared by the residents, on shared balconies and in children’s play areas. Cigarette butts must be placed in the designated containers.
In buildings with a no-smoking policy, smoking is also forbidden on apartment balconies and on outdoor grounds. In buildings with a no-smoking policy, smoking is only allowed in the smoking area if there is a separate designated smoking area on the property.
Outdoor areas
Make sure to keep the outdoor areas tidy. Plants, lawns, outdoor furniture and play equipment must not be damaged. Also remember to comply with the quiet-time policy in the outdoor areas of SATO buildings.
Waste management
Household waste and other rubbish must be packed and placed in a waste container. Also follow the waste sorting regulations. Residents must take care of the removal of waste other than household waste (such as old furniture) from the property. Environmentally harmful waste must be taken to a waste reception point provided by the waste management authority.
Any extra costs arising for SATO or the housing company from a violation of these rules and regulations will be invoiced to the resident who caused them. Examples of such violations include leaving furniture or hazardous waste in the waste container area, causing untidiness in the waste container area or other vandalism.
Vehicle parking requires authorisation by the housing company and is only permitted in specifically assigned and signposted parking spaces. Unnecessary vehicle access to building grounds is not permitted. If vehicle access to the grounds cannot be avoided in a special situation, speed must be kept particularly slow.
Parking is not permitted in emergency access routes. Vehicles must not be left running idle unnecessarily.
Visitor parking spaces are reserved for temporary use by residents’ guests – not for continuous parking of residents’ vehicles. Parking spaces may only be used for the parking of licenced motor vehicles. Loose power cords must not be left at car heater outlets.
Textiles care
Rugs, bedding or other textiles may only be aired and dusted in designated areas, usually by the rug rack. Clothing and household textiles may only be aired and dusted and small items of laundry may only be dried inside apartment balcony railings, in private apartment gardens and in designated areas.
Pets must always be kept controlled on a leash while outside the apartment or private apartment garden. Pets may not cause disturbance to residents or those accessing the property on authorised business nor soil the building, grounds or common areas.
Pets must not be allowed to leave waste on the property’s grounds. Pets must not be left unattended or allowed on the grounds, children’s play areas or in their immediate vicinity.
Residents must make sure pet noise (such as dogs barking) does not continuously and unreasonably disturb neighbours
Residents’ notification obligation
If you notice a defect or other problem such as a water leak in your apartment or the building, it is your obligation to report it without delay to SATO. Report any vandalism or violations of these Rules and Regulations to SATO preferably in writing. The service manager/building manager must be informed of any alteration or repair work. Neighbours must be notified in advance of any work that may cause noise or other disturbance and efforts must be made to conduct such work on weekdays before 21:00.
Notifications of move
For the purpose of maintaining customer and resident information, the lessor, the maintenance company and, under the Municipality of Residence Act, the Local Register Office must always be notified without delay of persons moving into or out of an apartment.
Violations of these Rules and regulations
A violation of these Rules and regulations may result in liability to pay damages, apartment takeover or lease rescission. Criminal or other illegal activity, such as property offences, related to residence in the building may result in lease termination and possible liability to pay damages.
Amendments to these Rules and regulations
These Rules and regulations may be amended or building-specific rules and regulations may be drawn up by the Residents’ Meeting of your home building or by the Shareholders’ Meeting. Any building-specific rules and regulations may not, however, be in conflict with acts of law, decrees or terms and conditions of lease agreements and must be visibly displayed to all residents.
When there are apartments other than SATO homes in the building
There may be apartments other than ones owned by SATO in your home building and a party such as a representative of the housing company may be responsible for matters relating to the building. If you would like to discuss the Building Rules and Regulations or report violations, you will find the up-to-date contact details on the notice board in your staircase.
Same rules, different language
Finnish / Järjestyssäännöt
Swedish / Allmänna ordningsregler för SATOs hus
Russian / Правила внутреннего распорядка в домах SATO
Estonian / SATO ühistu kodukord
Arabic / SATO القواعد والنظم المشتركة لبيوت
Farsi / SATO مقررات انضباطی عمومی ساختمان های ساتو
Somali language / SATO Hannaanka xeerarka arrimaha degaanka