Safe balcony life for cats

Summer is the best time of the year for both humans and their pets! Many cat owners take their pets outside on leashes during the warm summer months. Cats also appreciate safe observation spots on the balcony or by the window.

Everyone wants to make the most of the warm summer weather. And what could be better than seeing your feline friend fully enjoying the sunniest time of the year? You can decorate your rented home with several safe observation spots where your pet can enjoy the gentle, fresh summer air.

Pet-friendly balcony

The safest outdoor spot for a cat is a fully glazed balcony. It's best to keep the windows closed or install pet-proof mesh on open windows. Agile cats can jump out of open balcony windows, even if they seem too high for them to reach.

If you live in an apartment building, check with the Service Manager or property manager about any regulations regarding balcony nets. Permanent fixtures are not allowed on SATOhome balconies, so opt for installations that don’t require nails or drilling.

Pitkätukkainen lapsi keltaraidallisessa paidassaan silittää valkoharmaata kissaa suojaisalla parvekkeella ja hymyilee.
SATOn residents Samuele and Luna on their balcony in Helsinki.

A well-done installation is worth the effort

For an entirely open balcony, you can secure it with cat-proof, metal-reinforced mesh attached to the balcony structures with zip ties. Regular insect screens are insufficient, as adventurous cats can scratch or bite through them. Choose a purpose-specific, tightly woven, and reinforced mesh.

Be meticulous with the installation: there should be no gaps between the structures and the mesh, as clever pets will find any escape routes. Agile cats may also climb the mesh, so it must be securely fastened.

For easier mesh attachment, pet stores offer telescopic poles that fit between structures and allow you to thread the protective net. These poles can also be mounted to the balcony railing, making them a useful invention if the balcony is glazed only at the top and has a sparse metal grid at the bottom.

If you're a handy DIY person, you can find sturdier wire meshes for windows and balconies in hardware stores, often under the names chicken wire or mink wire. These sturdy metal meshes may require wooden frames to stay securely in place. Some rental apartments may allow such setups with permission from the property manager or Service Manager at SATOhomes, as long as they are not drilled, glued, or nailed to the balcony structures.

Activities, shade, and lounging spots

Once the balcony is secured, focus on making it cat-friendly. Cats enjoy climbing and observing their surroundings. You could use the entire balcony space from floor to ceiling for your cat: bring a tall climbing or scratching tree from indoors or install a platform where your cat can peacefully enjoy the view.

If you have plants on the balcony, make sure they are not toxic to cats. A sudden craving for greens might strike your pet while lounging.

Mauno kissa korituolissa lasitetun ja hyvin verhotun parvekkeen suojissa.
Mauno The Cat on a wicker lounger on his safe and shadowed balcony.

The balcony as a relaxing summer spot

The balcony can be a lovely relaxation spot in summer, but it can become too hot for your furry friend in direct sunlight. Always allow your pet to retreat to a shaded area indoors. It's also recommended to provide water on the balcony. Create shady lounging spots or protect the area from the sun with curtains or blinds. Be prepared for balcony textiles to be used for scratching and demonstrating climbing skills.

To ensure your pet's outdoor safety, only allow your cat on the balcony when you are home.

What if your cat isn't interested in balcony life? Some house cats are very shy and not tempted by a fabulous balcony paradise. Respect your cat's preferences and cater to their individual needs. In such cases, you could create a viewing spot by a slightly open window indoors.

Protect an open window

Allow your cat to safely sniff the fresh air by securing open windows. There are various types of windows and numerous ways to make them pet-safe.

For tilt-and-turn windows, you can find a range of pre-shaped protectors in pet stores.

For side-hinged windows, you can get a detachable frame protector with a metal-reinforced mesh that can withstand cat claws. These custom-made protectors are convenient because they are easy to remove for winter or cleaning, leaving no marks on the window. They can also prevent insects from entering! Puukomponentti offers these protectors.

If mesh protection is too complicated, you can restrict the window opening with a window or child lock. Some windows already have built-in restrictors. However, many standalone locks can leave marks on window frames. Check through OmaSATO if you can install such a lock in your apartment.

When installing a lock, remember that even a small gap can allow your pet to escape. Therefore, a narrow opening for sniffing the outside air is sufficient: better too small than too large.

Oh no, the cat's on the loose!

What should you do if your cat falls out of a window or balcony? Cats usually land on their feet, but the fall can still be dangerous.

Injuries from even low heights can be severe, even if not immediately visible. If your cat falls, check for any signs of discomfort or limping. It's also advisable to take your cat to the vet for a check-up, as fall-related injuries can be internal and show symptoms later.

If your cat runs away after falling, they can be returned home through the identification information in the microchip registry. Therefore, it's wise to have even indoor cats microchipped just in case.

Enjoy a wonderful, relaxing summer with your pet, both indoors and out!