Summer jobs at SATO: When the house expert is on holiday, the summer house expert takes care of the job

The summer jobs of Jaakko Kirjonen and Aapo Vienonen have got off to a smooth start with a full orientation to their duties as summer House Experts. Introduction to SATO home buildings and their technical aspects began on their first day at work. Both are happy about the warm welcome they have received at SATO. 

“Starting from the job interview, everyone’s been really nice and the duties just right. I’ve been really pleased”, Aapo Vienonen says with a smile.  

This is the first time for Aapo as a summer House Expert with SATO, whereas Jaakko Kirjonen is happy to be in the role for his second summer.

“I was asked by SATO in the spring if I’d like to work again as a summer House Expert and my answer was a definite yes! This is a really nice summer job”, says Jaakko. 

Never a boring moment thanks to varied duties

One of Finland’s largest rental housing providers, SATO hires several summer employees for a variety of roles each year. Most of this year’s summer staff members are summer House Experts who, together with the maintenance company, make sure SATO home buildings remain comfortable and in good condition. Their duties include responding to defect reports concerning homes and home buildings and, for example, carrying out minor repairs on ventilation equipment and inspecting rental apartments after the residents have moved out. Jaakko and Aapo say that by far the most important duty of the summer House Expert is to help residents in their everyday lives. 

“Residents really like it when we show up to solve any challenges relating to apartments”, Aapo says. 

“SATO residents really are very nice. We get along well with everyone", Jaakko continues. 

Kuvassa kesätalomestarit Jaakko ja Aapo huoltavat SATOn kotitalon teknillisiä toimintoja.
The summer House Experts take care of the maintenance of their home buildings.

Help always available

Jaakko and Aapo study Building Services Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and are gaining relevant experience and skills in their summer job. Of course, at times you come across things you have never encountered before when working in a new role. Both are, however, confident that help is always available in unexpected situations, too.

“There’s been times when you don’t necessarily know what to do,” Aapo says. “But the team here at SATO is so excellent that you can always call someone and ask for help.” 

“Things always end up being sorted out”, says Jaakko and continues: “Even if it takes a few phone calls.” 

A positive and encouraging workplace community is an easy and safe environment to learn the ins and outs of working life. Summer employees play an important role in everything running smoothly over the summer at SATO. SATO’s summer staff also get to meet each other at a networking event where there may be a financial management trainee, a summer House Expert and a summer communications staff member chatting with each other – there are almost as many summer roles as there are permanent staff roles at SATO. 

It’s your attitude that counts!

As regards upcoming calls for summer job applications, Jaakko and Aapo agree on the qualities you need to do well as a House Expert.

“It’s your attitude that counts,” Aapo says and continues: “Everything else is a plus, but you can get really far with the right attitude.”

“Being keen to learn is also absolutely vital,” Jaakko points out.

Alongside their summer job, Aapo and Jaakko relax playing ball games with their friends. Weekends at the cabin are also on their schedule. Both believe this is the recipe for a perfect summer filled with work and sunshine.