You are renting
Important to know before you continue
You can rent this home through the webshop if:
- you are at least 18 years old
- you have a Finnish personal identity code
- you have a municipality of residence in Finland
- you do not have an active lease agreement with SATO
- you have no records of payment defaults or other entries in you credit history
- there are no issues, such as residency or payment disturbances, associated with any previous SATO tenancy
- you verify your identity with online banking credentials or a mobile certificate
- you pay the reservation fee immediately.
If you can’t or don’t want to rent this home through the webshop, you can submit a regular housing application.
The lease agreement can start on the date of your choice. You can see the available start dates in the calendar on the next page.
The lease is valid until further notice and has a minimum term of 12 months. If you terminate the lease earlier, you are obliged to pay a contractual penalty equivalent to one (1) month's rent.
If you wish, you can view the apartment in person. We aim to arrange the apartment showing at your preferred time within three business days after the lease agreement is confirmed.
You can cancel the lease agreement during the apartment showing if the apartment doesn't meet your expectations. In that case, we will refund the reservation fee in full as soon as possible, usually on the next working day.
Please note that if you choose not to visit the apartment in person, you give up your right to cancel the agreement. In this case, you can only terminate the lease by following the notice period and terms of the agreement.
The lease is confirmed by paying a €300 reservation fee. We will refund the amount in full after the start date of the lease.
If you cancel the lease during the apartment showing, we will refund the amount you paid in full as soon as possible, usually on the next business day.
© SATO Oyj Y-tunnus: 0201470-5